

Develop a angularjs project


Install nodejs from Ubuntu PPA
apt-get install nodejs

Install nodejs from devlop PPA
add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
apt-get update
apt-get install nodejs

After install, you will see nodejs in /usr/lib/nodejs, and all modules locate in /usr/lib/node_modules


a collection of tools and best practices working in harmony to make developing for the web even better.

Our workflow is comprised of three tools for improving your productivity and satisfaction when building a web app: yo (the scaffolding tool), grunt (the build tool) and bower (for package management).

install yo
npm install -g yo

install grunt
npm install -g grunt-cli

install bower
npm install –g bower

Angular project

yo can generate several types of applications, but it needs help from plug-ins, or "generators" to get the job done. To scaffold a web application, you'll need to grab the web app generator:

npm install -g generator-webapp

You can install additional generators with npm. For example, to install the AngularJS generator:

npm install -g generator-angular  # install generator
yo angular # scaffold out a AngularJS project
bower install angular-ui # install a dependency for your project from Bower
grunt test # test your app
grunt server # preview your app
grunt # build the application for deployment

Customize project

