Let’s assume following situation:- We have a folder ˜/workshop , that contains the project on a local machine
- Our project folder workshop is not a git repository yet
- We want to have a server that hosts the workshop project and new developer can get the repository using a ‘git clone …’ command
- On server site, the new repository should be located unter ˜/gitrepos/workshop.git.
Create a working copy repository
First, create a new local git repository and add all files within this ˜/workshop git init git add . git commit -m "initial repository creation"
Create the bare repository
Then we have to create a bare repository on the server side. Let’s assume the user ralfwehner is the repository admin user on server side. For this step i will show two alternative ways:a) We clone the server’s repositiory on the client machine and copy it via scp up to the server:
git clone --bare .git ../workshop.git scp -r ../workshop.git ralfwehner@localhost:/Users/ralfwehner/gitrepos/workspace.git
b) We create a new empty repository on the server side and copy the developer’s repository from client machine to server (recommended when using difference git versions on server and clients):
So, first create the bare repository on server side:
sudo -u ralfwehner mkdir -m 770 /Users/ralfwehner/gitrepos/workshop.git cd /Users/ralfwehner/gitrepos/workshop.git sudo -u ralfwehner git --bare init --shared=group
From client side the developer’s project must be pushed into the new bare server repository:
git remote add origin ssh://ralfwehner@dev-server/Users/ralfwehner/gitrepos/workshop.git git push origin master
That’s it. The project ‘workshop’ is now available on the server and can be cloned using the git clone command. E.g.:
cd /tmp/ git clone ralfwehner@localhost:/Users/ralfwehner/gitrepos/workshop.git myclonedworkshop
Synconize local and server repositories
Push developers repository to server
To synchronize the changes checked in into the local developer’s project to the server repository:git push
Pull or merge the server repository into developer’s one
This command synchronizes the server’s repository to the local developer’s one. By this step changes made from other developers that pushed their stuff up to the server will be merged into the local repository.git pull . remotes/origin/master
Checkout a project from server
In git terminology the checkout of a projekt can be understood as a clone of a git repository from a server to the developer’s local machine. You can do this simply by:mkdir myNewWorkspace && cd myNewWorkspace git clone ssh://localhost/Users/ralfwehner/gitrepos/workshop.git
The new created project can be pushed and pulled with:
cd workshop ... do you changes... git push ... merge changes made from other users... git pull